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Useful Information

There are many questions that come up when choosing the class that’s right for us, and I’m here to help. I’ve prepared a list of some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you have any other questions please let us know.

Heels Dance Class

What should I bring to class?

You should always bring an open mind when coming to class. In addition, please bring water , high energy and knee pads just in case we get on the floor. Heels are always optional but they can make some movements easier.  

Heels Dance

What do I wear to class?

This class is a safe space for everybody! I always encourage every human that enters my class to wear what makes them feel sexy but also keep in mind we are dancing. I do not have a dress code because everyone's version of sexy and what makes them feel sexy is different. Also there's a variety of sweats, lingerie, heel and no heels in the classroom. You being there sharing your energy with others in a trash bag works for me, Queen.

Heels Dance Class

What happens if I can’t keep up?

Every level of my classes provide through explanations of each move. I also walk around to every student to ensure we are all on the same page and provide whatever assistance may be needed. I also come prepared for modifications for harder movements/transitions/tricks. I encourage everyone to keep trying and stay consistent because you will not be an expert the first time you take a dance class, any dance class. Stay strong, Stay patient and I cannot wait to help you grow on this journey. 

You can also

Book a private lesson for 1 0n 1 assistance

Check the Instagram for upcoming technique workshops

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